Trying to sprint a mile, 200 miles, 100m and 50m in a day!!

From Wetsuit to Race Suit in 2.5 hours Jo Mitchinson - Team Aqua Sphere UK athlete Saturday's alarm went off at 05:30, but not before our daughter arrives in our room looking like something out of a horror film. Face full of blood from bleeding nose can only mean one thing in our house - summers here!! So, I head downstairs for the compulsory last minute checking of my packing. This was unceremoniously strewn across my lounge floor & fell into 2 distinct piles. Add caption First, there was the packing for The Great East Swim in Suffolk. This contained: Wetsuit, swimsuit, spare swimsuits, timing chip, hat, goggles, spare goggles, earplugs, towels, millions of layers in case the weather forecast is wrong & it suddenly gets freezing cold, clothes in case the forecast is right, food, drink, inhalers, and a particularly attractive 'granny trolley' to carry it all in because I don't want to break myself walking from the car park to the race l...