Balatonfured, Budapest and Bronze

Balatonfured, Budapest and Bronze Jo Mitchinson Team Aqua Sphere UK Athlete I travelled out to the World Masters Championships in Hungary with my coach, Magda. I had hoped that she'd be the competent traveller out of the 2 of us. My ability to navigate successfully from one country to another is, at best sporadic. On this occasion once we arrived in Budapest we then had to get across the city, onto a train and travel 150km in the right direction to Balatonfured. We also had 2 different accommodations to find (one at the lake & one in Budapest), accreditation to collect and maps to follow. So, when I over shot the pre-booked (and very clearly signed in hindsight!) airport parking , exiting altogether and having to have another go at finding the Orange Zone, I really needed her to say something other than "I do that all the time- I'm rubbish at travelling". Duna Arena - Home of the 17th FINA World Champs 2017 Havi...