Resilience Skills in Overcoming January

Resilience Skills in Overcoming January Jo Mitchinson Team Aqua Sphere/MP 2018 Athlete I’m glad to see the back of January if I’m honest. It threw a lot of challenges my way and as a result I spent most of the month struggling to breathe. My usually well controlled asthma took on a life of its’ own and it took 3 weeks of steroids to calm down. I missed training and all 3 weekends of the Herts County Championships. But when my asthma goes wrong it isn’t just my swimming that suffers. I miss work, I’m unable to drive safely, I can’t speak and each breath hurts. I am scared to fall asleep and when I finally do, my asthmatic cough quickly wakes us all up. It’s a scary time. Despite having asthma since childhood it didn’t start to really affect me until a few years ago. I was fortunate enough to be referred to some of the very best specialists in the country and there have been massive improvements since then due to my medication. But sudden changes in weather is my big...